Tennessee Reps. David Kustoff and Diana Harshbarger Join Colleagues in Introducing the American Ammo in Defense of Ukraine Act

Tennessee Representatives David Kustoff (R-TN-08) and Diana Harshbarger (R-TN-01) joined their Republican colleagues in cosponsoring the American Ammo in Defense of Ukraine Act, (H.R.6981). The legislation, introduced this week by Representatives Richard Hudson (R-NC-08) and Victoria Spartz (R-IN-05), will waive export criteria so donations from American ammunition manufacturers can reach Ukraine faster.

“I cosponsored @RepRichHudson and @RepSpartz’s bill, The American Ammo in Defense of Ukraine Act. This bill will fast track American ammunition to Ukraine. Ukrainian President Zelenskyy asked for more ammunition, and it is vital that the United States quickly answer his call,” Representative Kustoff wrote on Twitter.

As The Arizona Sun Times reported last week that U.S. ammunition manufacturer AMMO, Inc. announced a plan to send 1 million rounds of ammunition to Ukraine. The American Ammo in Defense of Ukraine Act would make it easier for manufacturers like AMMO, Inc. to get this ammunition to Ukraine by authorizing President Joe Biden to waive Department of State and Department of Commerce export criteria and transportation costs on ammunition.

“In the face of Russia’s invasion, Ukrainian President Zelensky announced he ‘needed ammunition, not a ride.’ The American Ammo in Defense of Ukraine Act will do just that by cutting red tape to ensure American ammunition can reach Ukraine faster,” Rep. Hudson said in a statement. “America must support Ukraine’s self-defense and I appreciate Congresswoman Spartz and our colleagues for joining this common sense bill.”

Rep. Spartz, a Ukrainian immigrant, also released a statement on the bill, saying, “The American Ammo in Defense of Ukraine Act is important legislation which would improve speed and agility in dealing with the current crisis in Ukraine. Maximizing efficiency, and cutting bureaucratic red tape is essential in dealing with any crisis effectively.”

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network.
Photo “David Kustoff” by David Kustoff




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5 Thoughts to “Tennessee Reps. David Kustoff and Diana Harshbarger Join Colleagues in Introducing the American Ammo in Defense of Ukraine Act”

  1. Charles Schoocraft

    Please let’s take care of our country first and Tennessee. I need gas that comes out of US soil at an affordable price. Quit wasting time and money on all this feel good legislation. I need ammo too but I’m not asking my fellow citizens to fund my 2A rights. Just like Fleischmann voting for that 1.5 trillion dollar bill without reading it….then he wats to put out a press release about inflation. Save the ammo for us because we are doomed.
    Charles Schoocraft

  2. faithy

    We Tennesseans did not vote you in to showboat for another country! Take care of your home first and stop giving our hard earned money away!

  3. Wars & Rumors of Wars

    Are there not enough graves in Ukraine & Russia that Tennessee Neo-cons Kustoff and Harshbarger need to provide a US taxpayer subsidy to fill them? Perhaps they intend to personally dig these graves – now there’s a photo op.

    Instead of focusing on how Tennessee can improve voter integrity, medical freedom, energy independence, protection from vaccine/social credit passports etc., the opportunity to hop on “The Narrative” train with their opportunistic Neo-con colleagues Liz Cheny and Adam Kinzinger is all too predictable.

    I pray they seek peace, not war.

  4. Traditional Thinker

    How about distributing that ammunition and the money you’ll be blowing to those of us who will need it when our corrupt government begins its hostile war on the very ones who, sad to say, put you idiots in office to begin with. Pretty sure we’ll be needing it.. Or there’s the border you could invest in, fuel independence, lower food costs, tax breaks.etc. Are you that naive to think that the ammo you will send, in which I’m sure will cost billions (in government exchange rates), yet do nothing to stop Russian advancement? We the American people can help you in ways that make a lot more since as to how you can spend OUR monies, but I’m sure you’ll do what’s equivalent to starting a huge fire in the government’s back yard and throwing all of our money on it while you and your other politician all stars have a weiner roast. Stop sharing your bed with the liberals and use some common sense.

  5. How about they introduce the “Quit Advancing NATO in the Baltic States Act.” Keep poking the bear.
    Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce our illiterate so-called “leaders.”
